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      whole wheat pizza crust, unsifted pizza crust

      Fresh Milled Pizza Crust

      Thick and chewy, or thin and crispy, this Unsifted® Pizza crust works great either way! You can make this delicious crust with just a few easy modifications to the Simple Sandwich Bread recipe. In fact, you don’t even have to modify anything – you can use the Simple Sandwich Bread dough directly if you would like. However, we have found these adjustments to be extra delicious!

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      whole wheat tortillas, homemade tortilla

      Fresh Flour Tortillas

      You can serve these homemade tortillas in so many ways: tacos, burritos, quesadillas, taquitos, enchiladas, fresh tortilla chips, cinnamon sugar treat, or just plain.  I don't think I've made a batch yet that that kids and I haven't eaten at least one hot off the press.  They are just so tender and warm and delicious!  Trust us, you won't view tortillas the same after you see what fresh flour has to offer.  I love that I no longer feel guilty about eating the tortilla too.  This is the ultimate recipe for Cinco de Mayo...or any occasion!

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      Fresh Milled French Toast

      Fresh Milled French Toast

      I knew I was going to have to write down this version of French Toast for keeping when my oldest (formerly non-French Toast lover) proclaimed "this is SO good" and then proceeded to have to voluntarily tell others throughout the day about the French Toast!  Hilarious!  This is also an excellent use of older bread....if you ever have such a thing.  Easy, delicious, and kid approved!

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